
Vision Voice Africa Foundation (VVAF) is a continental NGO centered towards combating Human Trafficking with a unique devotion to tackle unsafe Migration Policies, Modern Slavery and Exploitation designed at fostering prospects to obtain decent and constructive work, in circumstances of sovereignty, parity, peace, protection and nobility.

Our work is aimed towards upholding counteract and resolve several issues that encroach upon the human rights of individuals and pose a threat to our democratic society through organized movement of humans for

  • Labor,
  • Sex,
  • Drugs,
  • Human organs,

exploitation which is increasingly urgent over the years against the naïve, innocent and powerless humans Human trafficking is complex and fueled by issues like social-economic inequality, culture and history, gender inequality, poverty, and economic dis empowerment.

Regulating migration

On the other end migration is inevitable in this century owing to its necessity, so if we have responsible and humane migration policies, facilitate, regulate migration, and address forced migration by promoting of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants’ rights, Labour migration health and the gender dimension, and counter-trafficking and assisted voluntary return and reintegration; Transition and Recovery, including community stabilization);Immigration and Border Management; and Migration Environment and Climate Change well as Migration policy and data.

Social Transformation

Founders of VVAF uphold that actual social transformation will occur through the innovation of collaboration with various sectors committed to a common agenda, to further collective impact. We believe that single handedly we cant bring an end to human trafficking. Instead, we must collaborate through means such as knowledge and resource sharing, referring cases between organization partners, establishing an interdisciplinary approach that is grounded in a human rights framework and advocating together for positive policy changes to abolish all forms of abuse and exploitation at national and international levels.